About Sharon and Radiate Love
I am so happy we have found each other!
Our experiences create our perceptions and can explain the choices we make and why we live the way we do, BUT we have the ability to change our perceptions and behavior if we choose to live differently.
Every moment of my journey has led me to where I am today. I am deeply grateful for every challenge I have faced. Without the challenges and lessons learned, I would not be here choosing to live on a path with heart and inspiring others to do the same.
The child and teen phases of my life took place in the melting pot of Houston, TX. My high school years began, in 1990, with a friend passing from suicide and ended with several devastating experiences involving gun violence. By the time I was 20, I had lost two close friends to gunshots. I also dealt with a lack of self-love, anxiety, and some depression during those difficult years, as many teen girls do. As a teen, I labeled myself “depressed” in my diary entries, but I can look back now and see that it was more of a feeling of melancholy that swept over me sometimes. People didn't speak much about anxiety, or mental health in general, back in the 80s and 90s, so I didn't have any resources to help me understand my complicated up-and-down emotions.
The human mind and all its complexities became a huge interest in my life. I enjoyed learning about what led people to have certain behaviors. This deep interest led me to get a degree in Psychology.
Eventually, my desires guided me back to school for a master’s degree in education, and I soon found myself in the world of middle school teaching. I loved connecting with kids in the classroom; the middle school age group was where I felt most natural as a teacher.
During the nine years of teaching Science to 12 and 13-year-olds, I realized that my students needed to learn more than just basic school subjects. They needed guidance on handling emotional ups and downs and help with feeling more confidence and self-love. This was something I felt I would have benefitted from in my school-age years and I wanted to give that to my students. My heart spoke to me, and my next step was to create a personal development program for kids and teens with the goal of teaching different tools to help them live with more confidence and joy.
In 2017 I started Dream Beautiful, a life coaching service for kids. Since that year, I have been through the challenges of divorce and living as a single parent. I have pushed myself to grow and expand into living as authentically as I can in each moment. My self-care and spiritual journeys are constantly in motion. You can say I am somewhat addicted to personal and spiritual development. I love trying new tools and techniques that raise my vibration and lead me toward living more in tune with my true self.
As I have grown and expanded over the last 8 years, so has my coaching business. Dream Beautiful LLC evolved into divorce coaching, retreats, HeartMath coaching, Qigong healing, and much more. I have a strong nudge to help people going through challenges that I have faced. I think back to how I lived 15 years ago and feel love for the journey that brought me to this perfect moment. On a human level and to the outside observer, it looks as if I’ve “changed”; what really has occurred is that I’ve become closer to my true soul essence. Because of all the “change” and growth happening within me and across the planet, I feel a need to focus on empowering kids and parents with the wisdom of the heart. In my private sessions and group classes, I tell my students to shine their lights and spread love to others. Last year I felt a strong message to rebrand my business and focus on inspiring more kids and parents to live heart-based lives and to create heart-mind alignment. The new name of my kids and parents coaching program, Radiate Love, is a perfect description of my mission with youth going forward.
The Misson of Radiate Love
To create positive change and raise the vibration of the planet by inspiring more children and adolescents to connect the power of their mind to the wisdom of their heart, illuminate their authentic inner light, and RADIATE LOVE upon the world.
“One single person radiating high positive energy neutralizes millions of people radiating heat, antagonism, and fear.”
This self-growth business I’ve created is more than just a business. It is a massive part of my life mission and intertwines with my personal life. I am always looking to be a better version of myself. I love when a learning opportunity arises because I know it is an opportunity to understand something about myself that still needs healing and/or needs to change. Because I am always on this path of growth, I like to get deep and personal with people immediately. It lights me up to have meaningful conversations about anything pertaining to personal advancement, spirituality, and the unknown! I want to know all about your journey and how it has shaped you into the glorious light you are today!
To me - it is essential to honor and learn from people’s differences and preferred ways of living as well as our own.
“YOU DO YOU AND I’LL DO ME” is a motto I live by these days.
Because I love deep conversations about life and the unique journeys we are all on, my partner and I created a podcast with a mission to learn about and share the challenges and triumphs of different people’s quests in life. If you would like to share your journey, please let me know!
During my free time, you can find me homeschooling my inspiring 12-year-old daughter, hanging out with my dog, tortoises and cats, on my sofa reading a book, at a Qigong class, or taking a nature hike.
What I teach…
I bring a convergence of Spirituality, Modern Science, ancient wisdom, and a touch of Human Design (if requested) into coaching sessions. Coaching sessions are created from a combination of teachings from my training in HeartMath, Reiki, meditation, Qigong, Human Design, and from authors/teachers such as Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Frederick Dodson, Don Miguel Ruiz, Joseph Murphy, and more. The heart-mind connection, and living a heart-based life are the main focus of my teachings.
What Parents are saying:
"My 12-year-old just did a camp with Sharon and enjoyed every minute of it! ...She was very happy with the creativity of the class." ~C. Pierce
"My daughter has attended several of Sharon's camps and she loves them! She learns so much and comes home so happy." ~Romy S.
"With a loving and soothing disposition, Sharon shares her knowledge for human development in such an accessible way. She gives simple and practical tools to help little and grown people alike achieve more happiness and peace in their lives." ~Hannah W.
"The skills Sharon teaches are a gentle reminder for all ages that we have the power to both shape and change our experience by being aware of the power our thoughts hold." ~Heather M.
"My son was really engaged…he opened up to Sharon about his negative self-talk and even said the next day that the positive affirmations helped him feel much better." ~Outschool Parent
"Amazing and patient teacher." ~Cassidy
"If you’re looking for a positive presence/another source of wisdom for your child to learn from Sharon’s coaching sessions is the way to go!" ~Keena J.