If you want to be the best parent you can be, then keep growing and expanding into your authentic self. Your children will benefit from the view.
Do you want to be a conscious parent?
Live with heart-mind coordination.
It all begins with you!
When I gave birth at age 35, my world felt out of balance. I felt lost and had an extremely difficult time getting used to a little person needing me every minute of the day and night. The view of my life seemed blurry all of the sudden and I wasn’t sure how to get back to a balanced state. A few months after my daughter was born, I received many intuitive nudges and I woke up to the realization that I wanted to be the best role model for my daughter that I could be and that meant I had to keep up with my self-care and show her how I can grow through my challenges and expand into my authentic self. I dove into personal and spiritual development books. I attended workshops, exercised, started eating healthier and became involved in parenting groups. I pushed myself to take chances on things that scared me so that she could watch and learn. It was scary starting my own business, but I knew it was my calling and I was doing it for both of us. When I felt the calling to write a children’s book, I did it and I did not let myself give up! Watching my daughter’s face when she helped me open the first box of books written by her mommy was worth all the time and financial investment.
When my daughter was five years old, I made a difficult decision to separate from her father. Divorce, with a child involved, was one of my biggest challenges. For my daughter, me, and our situation, separating our family was needed so that we could all live with more joy and peace in our hearts. It is imperative to me that my daughter feels and observes my happiness and that she sees the daily practices that help me to feel joy in my life. Watching me work on my self-care and happiness is how she will learn to find happiness for herself. My favorite quote I apply to the way I live my life is "Be the change that you want to see in the world." I know that taking care of my well-being will not only help me, but it will help my child and everyone around me.
Today I am going through new parenting challenges as I try to balance homeschooling a 10-year-old, my self-care, and growing my business. I am not the "perfect" parent in terms of society's definition, but I show up each day doing the best I can. I remind myself that there is no growth in perfection. I strive for excellence and not perfection. I know that I will stumble upon small rocks and large boulders along my parenting journey and I trust that each challenge will help me grow and live my best life for myself, my daughter, and the world
My mission as a parenting coach is to guide you to embody your strengths and self-compassion, to live with heart-mind coordination, and to model that way of living for your children.
I want you to feel like you just took a deep breath of fresh air and are more relaxed after each session with me. I am here to encourage you to relax, let go of other people’s expectations, and don't try so hard. Life gets simpler when you learn to unwind, have fun, and go with the flow. It took me a few years of parenting to understand the importance of going with the flow, but I still have moments where I have to remind myself of my own advice. All we can do is keep learning and growing. Striving for perfection is futile because we are already right where we need to be on our growth path now and at each future moment.
I choose not to live my life or how I parent according to societal expectations. I prefer to live from my heart's wisdom and with heart-mind coordination. Living from the heart means living authentically and following the path that excites you and feels aligned with your soul. When our mind agrees and aligns with our heart, we feel the excitement and joy of living in our truth!
Let us all add heart and soul to everything we do and our kids will benefit in a magical way!
They learn from our actions more than our words. Taking care of our well-being and growing into our most authentic selves is key to raising happy and well-balanced kids. The rule I live by is "Let others live how they want to live, and I will live how I want to live." We can't create and mold our children into precisely what we want. They start resenting us if we try to change them. Our job is to keep them safe and healthy and nurture their natural passions and abilities. Our children have unique blueprints that we must honor and learn to accept.
When you choose me as your parenting coach, you will receive guidance from my experiences and the knowledge I have gained from teachings such as HeartMath, Simplicity Parenting, and The Danish Way of Parenting. I also bring knowledge from essential teachers in my life, such as Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Don Miguel Ruiz, Gregg Braden, and many more. My main goal as a parenting coach is to guide you along your unique self-development path and inspire you to commit to your daily self-care and growth.
Human Design is a valuable tool that I like to bring into sessions. This tool helps you understand how you are meant to show up in the world and how you can align with others who will support your life journey. Knowing your child's human design can help you nurture your child's authentic way of living in this world, instead of teaching your child to follow the plan society says we must all follow to fit in and be happy. The world doesn't work if we teach our kids to "fit in." We need everyone to come together and participate with their unique abilities.
When I found the Human Design system and learned about my unique blueprint, I felt extremely validated in knowing who I am and the best way for me to make decisions along my journey. Knowing my daughter's design has helped me to guide her to feel empowered and to live as her unique self.
What is Human Design you ask?
The Human Design System is a combination of Astrology, the IChing, the Kaballah, and the Chakra system. Together these modalities form a body chart based on your birth information. This system can get very detailed, but just knowing your energy type and profile can be helpful. Learn more about Human Design here.
I am a Manifestor energy type and my daughter is a Generator. She has a built-in energy system, and I do not. Knowing this basic information has helped me tremendously as a parent when planning daily activities and social events.
If you are curious about your HD or your child’s HD, you can get a free body chart here.
If you are attracted to my style of parenting and are interested in my guidance, please schedule a free consultation here!