Coaching for Kids/Teens
To create positive change and raise the planet's vibration by inspiring more kids and parents to connect the power of their mind to the wisdom of their heart, illuminate their authentic inner light, and RADIATE LOVE upon the world.
Coaching kids is different from coaching adults because of the rapid brain development constantly occurring as children grow. The brain is not fully developed until the early 20s. Adults have a developed brain and have more life experience to draw upon in their exercises with me, which makes coaching kids require a more vital teaching component. Coaching helps kids build resilience, self-esteem, and self-confidence. It also helps children develop their own "heart compass" or intuition to think for themselves and stand up to peer pressure. Through the coaching experience, kids will learn to live life with intention, purpose, and a vision for what they want in their lives
When coaching kids and teens, I use a combination of my own curriculum, Mindful Schools lessons, and HeartMath coaching. In my workshops and in one-on-one coaching sessions, I teach skills to help kids build confidence and emotional resiliency such as meditation, HeartMath techniques, mental rehearsal, self-talk transformation, positive affirmations, journaling, qigong, and art therapy. In my teachings, I speak a lot about scientific research, but I also include the importance of feeling a spiritual/energetic connection. From my experiences, I have come to believe that much of emotional instability, absence of self-love, and suicidal thoughts stem from a lack of connection to the wisdom of the heart, and to the creator of all things. You can choose to call this source by many names (the higher self, Universe, Divine, God, etc.) I believe we are each unique expressions of this divine energy. Most of the energetic portions of my lessons involve connecting to intuition (which is important for self-love and trust), and qigong/meditation techniques (which are important for mental and physical well-being.)
My teachings are a blend of spiritual and scientific lessons. Each session is tailored to the individual student’s needs and is created to inspire each person to live a life of heart connection and high vibration.
Emotional Resiliency and having a growth mindset are essential for living life with joy and confidence.
“You’ve truly been an amazing help to both myself and Ella and I cannot thank you enough. She needed another listening ear and some guidance during a really tough time and I’m so grateful she had you to help her.” ~F. R.
“He’s taking more of an initiative to be helpful, he’s been listening better, and speaking up for himself in very respectful yet assertive ways. We’ve been very pleased and proud of him and know that your sessions thus far have a large part in that. So THANK YOU!!! ”
The skills I teach are skills that some adults have not yet learned, but that are guaranteed to help in every aspect of life, so I work to give kids a head-start in this kind of personal development that will be crucial to their fulfillment later on. Through my coaching and teaching, kids are empowered to be self-leaders. As self-leaders they take control of their emotional well-being and set themselves up for a happy and successful life journey.
“She values your input so much and finds her time with you such a positive experience.”